Yes to Coconuts Eczema Relief Spray Review

Hello my lovelies! Welcome to another review post!

This post is really special to me because this is not just a makeup product. This is a product that has helped heal my skin and get it back where it’s 90x healthier than before. Now before I dive into the review I would like to put out there that dry skin patches no matter how big or small can appear anywhere on the body. For me, my problem area became my breasts and more specifically my aerolas. I inform everyone of this because while it shouldn’t be offensive to some, you never know, so this is acting as a fair warning. I’m not talking about this to be offensive, I’m talking about this product in hopes of it helping someone else who has similar problems.

A little background history first. I’ve always had dry skin. I’ve talked about it multiple times throughout my blog posts-it’s no secret. However a few months ago I started developing dry patches on both my aerolas. I figured it was just another normal dry patch of skin and continuously put lotion on it. I tried to stay away from perfumed lotions and focused more on using ones for dry skin. Those did not work and the terrible itching got worse. Even though I would put lotion on, the itching became so bad that i began to tear away flesh. Now that sounds harsh but i was only scratching away the first layer of skin that would regrow and try to mend the skin. It was similar to when you scrap you knee and you see that bit of clear liquid (not pus). I’m no doctor but i’m assuming it’s some sort of fatty liquid that is produced under the skin. Again, the isn’t meant to gross anyone out (I don’t think anyone should be grossed out by the body), it’s meant to inform everyone of the severity of the situation. This liquid, if i left the spot uncovered, would seep into my bras and tshirts. And even if I did cover with bandaids or gauze I was afraid it wasn’t getting enough air to breathe and heal. It was truly a double edged sword.

So where exactly does the product review come in? Well after trying all those lotions and deciding that I should probably see a dermatologist, i was at my local Target helping my cousin’s girlfriend pick out makeup when I saw the Yes to brand in the aisle. I’ve always liked looking at their stuff and trying their products. I came across the coconut section and saw this:


I never thought that perhaps my dry skin had escalated into eczema territory so I decided to try it. After using it for about a month I can say that my itching has gone down immensely, the huge patch of skin that covered about half of my aerola is 95% gone, the skin has healed over so there’s no more leakage onto my shirts or bras, and i’m more comfortable. I think this really works and I would swear by it. This is also why I felt this review was important. Maybe other people with eczema can try this and forgo more costly things and have their skin heal. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has suffered like I have.

One thing I would like to mention was that any “bad” reviews (i.e. the using 140 character long praise or paragraph long rants) on websites such as complained that it had hydrocortisone in it. And usually these complaints about hydrocortisone was about a sentence long and didn’t say anything else. However 86% (92% on the yestocarrots website) of people said it was effective and those people all talked about how it helped their eczema. I can only assume that the anti hydrocortisone people were health nuts who weren’t suffering truly at the hands of eczema. Hydrocortisone is indeed a steroid, but when going to a doctor for eczema they would usually prescribe a steroid cream as well. I think the difference is that with the help of the natural ingredients (well all know how good coconut oil is) as well as the small amount of steroid it really helps the skin.

Besides that, i also wanted to put that is is 95% natural and is cruelty free. I even recommended this to my next door neighbor who’s 2 year old has developed eczema (use is for ages 2 and up). The spray is very light, has a natural fragrance that isn’t strong, easily blends into the skin, and provides almost instant relief. I would use it throughout the day whenever a particular strong itching sensation occurred and after a shower to help keep my skin soothe throughout the night. On average it was applied 1-3 times a day (varies between people of course), everyday. My skin is smoother, has little to no cracks or flakes, and has cut down on the painful itching immensely. No kidding, I stopped writing for a second just to apply some because I was scratching a little bit too much, haha.

I would give this product an easy 9/10, maybe even a 10/10. I truly like it a lot and use it almost everyday and I believe it could help a lot of people. Please don’t hesitate to ask me any question about this or any of the other products I’ve reviewed. You can get some of this spray at Target, Walmart and Yestocarrots for only $10. $10 for 2 ounces doesn’t seem like a lot but you really only need 1-2 spritzes depending on the size of the eczema patch. I still have plenty left even after a month. I say this product is definitely worth it!

Mini Review: Bio Republic Green Tea Detox Purifying Fiber Mask

Ok to be honest I don’t really like sheet masks. I think they’re really weird and don’t work for my face as well as clay masks do. But I did have these 3 masks from BioRepublic from my Ipsy bag so I decided to give this one a try. I chose to do the Detox one first because I feel like my skin has been so dirty due to humidity, sweat and other summer factors.

When I first opened the package and pulled out the mask I realized it was soaked to the bone in product. Like it was getting everywhere. Also I had a hard time unfoldingthe mask because the product made it stick to itself and harder to get apart. I tried not to rip it either which was difficult as well. Eventually I got it on my face but even then some pieces were sticking together. Like the nose piece and a part that was supposed to cover my cheek. Anytime I had to adjust it my fingers got covered in the liquid. Liquid would be the best way to describe it since it’s not thick like a cream at all. I tried to make sure the mask was smoothed all over my face as best as I could and waited. the packaging says to leave it on for about 15-20 minutes but I’m watching tv and blogging at the same time so I’ll probably forget. there isn’t a need to rinse off the excess product and you’re suppose to tap it into your face but I plan to shower after this. So I’ll tap whatever is left over and try not to wash it off in the shower.

One thing i did notice is that the areas around my eyes were getting a bit itchy so i would be careful and make sure that the holes are placed properly around your eyes so you don’t get any in them. It also was a bit tingling around my mouth/chin area. I don’t know if that was normal or not. It’s happening in other places like my forehead so I assume it’s not bad. I would maybe do a test with some of the product on your skin first, especially if yours is super sensitive. The mask  I believe is all natural but everyone’s skin is different and can react differently to face products. So far for me it’s cooling and tingling.

I’m having a hard time keeping the bottom part stuck to my chin though. I left the mask on for longer than intended, until I felt like it had dried a little bit and the product had soaked into my skin. I then pulled it off and tapped the rest of it into my skin and let it sit a bit before I showered. I’m on the fence  about this mask. My skin feels just a bit tight and I don’t like the thought of leaving the product on. I mean it can act like a moisturizer but it’s a bit sticky especially on my forehead. This review makes it seem like the mask is terrible probably but it really isn’t. it’s just not my cup of tea. I do like how cool it leaves my skin though. Every since I got my Magic Cushion from Etude House and because it’s been so hot I like the skin on my face to feel really cool. I might just let the shower water just fall onto my face and rinse it off like naturally, so i won’t scrub or anything but i don’t like the was the left over product feels on my skin.Over all I give it like a 6 or  out of 10.

Easy Peasey Night Time Routine

Wassup homies! Today I’m going to go over my two step easy peasy night skin routine that I do practically every night. This is what I usually do in the shower and when I come out. This is normally if I didn’t wear makeup that day. If I did wear makeup there’s an extra step.

So If I wore makeup, no matter how much, whenever I come home I wipe everything off with makeup remover wipes. I use Equate’s brand, which is Walmart’s knockoff brand of different company products. They have several different kinds of wipes from cleansing, sensitive skin, makeup remover and a bunch more. I use about 2-3 wipes to remove as much makeup as I can. This is usually in the afternoon so I have some time before I take my nightly shower.

If i haven’t worn makeup that day(or if I’ve taken off my makeup already!) I head to the shower before bed. Lately I’ve been using Yes To: Tomatoes Activated Charcoal bar Soap. This soap is actually good for oily and acne prone skin…I have neither but I do love using activated charcoal to help prevent acne. You can actually use this on the body as well, so it works if you have body acne as well. I just like using it on my face as a quick soap cleanser. it’s pretty gentle and leaves my skin squeaky clean.

After my shower I use another Yes To product, their Calming Night Cream (Yes To Cucumbers). This is actually expensive at $15 (I had a coupon when I got this so it was a few dollars cheaper) But if you catch it at full price it’s still well worth it. A little goes a long way with this cream. I mean a small dab can cover your whole face. It’s soothes and leaves it really soft, perfect for right before you go to bed.

See?! Super easy. You cleanse and moisturize in a matter of minutes. I like to keep my skin routines simple since I don’t have skin problems at all, well besides psoriasis! So my most important thing is my moisturizer! Hope you guys enjoyed and are able to try some of the Yes To Products. They’re really good and I enjoy them for my skin!

Applying Makeup on Dry Skin

I have psoriasis so my skin dries out rather quickly. My problem areas are usually my legs, arms, elbows and of course my face. My skin gets hit the worst during the winter months. My skin gets ashy and dessert like and can’t seem to even get enough moisture. This makes applying makeup a little bit difficult. Here are a few steps I follow to try and combat the drying winter months.

1. Exfoliate. I exfoliate everytime I take a shower, or I use a mask if I’m taking a bath. My favorite scrub is Equate’s Apricot Scrub, the knockoff of St. Ives Apricot Scrub. Not only does it clears blackheads and cleanses pores but it also has acne medication and is good for all skin types. It’s paraben and oil free as well. The walnut shells and cornmeal help scrub away dead skin cells and leaves the skin really smooth.

2. Moisturize. After you exfoliate you should always moisturize to refresh those new skin cells. I use two different moisturizers depending on the time of day. After I exfoliate in the shower, I use Equate Dual Action Moisturizer, a knockoff of Clean and Clear Moisturizer. Or if I’m moisturizing in the morning I’ll use e.l.f’s Daily Moisture Stick. The oils in this stick helps add even moisture without being too oily, at least for my skin anyway. The Dual Action Moisturizer is good because as it’s a cream it’s better for night time use and retaining the moisture throughout your sleepy time. The oil is better for the morning because it sinks in a bit faster and is a good prep step before you apply any makeup. The equate moisturizer is around $3.40-4 and the e.l.f moisture stick is $6.

3. As far as putting on actually beauty products I always like to use a Tinted Moisturizer. For some people tinted moisturizer can be too sheer and not provide enough coverage but as I’m using it for mostly its moisturizing purposes it’s ok. I don’t need much evening out of my skin tone either as I have minimal redness so it provides the perfect amount of coverage. I use e.l.f’s Tinted Moisturizer. You can also try a featherweight or lightweight formula liquid foundation for more coverage just make sure it also has moisturizing properties without being too oily. I use a light dusting of foundation powder to set the tinted moisturizer but I don’t use the powder on its own.

4. Try not to apply your foundation with your fingers, they might absorb the oils you’ll need to moisturize your skin. Try instead using synthetic brushes or even a damp beauty sponge.

5. Try and skip waterproof formula as they tend to suck out moisture.

These are just a few steps that I do that help create a smooth look to my dry skin when I put on makeup. Obviously this won’t help everyone of course but I thought I’d share a few of the things I do, no matter how basic they are. Hope this helps!